At North Conway Music Center, North Conway, NH

While in Durham, NC playing at Duke, checked out High Strung Violins and Guitars
At Rudy’s Soho, in NYC

At Guitar Stop in Cambridge, MA
At Guitar Center in Boston

On vacation in Paris, checking out PRS guitars at California Music
On tour in Lithuania with Poetica Musica, was happy to visit the Tamsta Music Salon

While playing at the Manchester Music Festival, I checked out a Tele copy at the Manchester Music Store
Back to Saratoga Springs, NY at Saratoga Guitar; this time checking out a different Reverend:

Reykjavik, Iceland at Sangitamiya, a world music store (2012)
Mount Pleasant, MI at B’s Music Shop (2012), trying a Reverend Six Gun

Boston, MA at Guitar Center
Buffalo, NY at Allentown Music
Wanted to buy this Epiphone ES 335 copy (a la John Lennon), but didn’t!

Saratoga Springs, NY at Saratoga Guitar
Bought a new Reverend Buckshot (pictured here with a souped-up Epiphone) .
Thanks, guys!
Brattleboro, Vermont at Maple Leaf Music Company

In Istanbul, Turkey at Gozde Muzik
From a recent trip to LA, from International House of Music, Inc

This time, in Chicago’s Western suburbs, in Villa Park, IL: Perry’s Music
At Guitar Center!

This time, in Spokane, Washington. At Dutchie’s in Downtown Spokane.
Too many guitars, not enough time!
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