
Event Information

  • Fri

    New Amsterdam Singers

    7:30 pm
    Broadway Presbyterian Church
    601 W 114th St, New York, NY 10025, USA

    An Invitation to the Voyage: New Amsterdam Singers

    Clara Longstreth, Conductor

    Oren Fader, guitar

    March 21 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

    · Tickets starting at $30 – $35

    Striking settings of French and Spanish poetry

    The centerpiece of this concert is the world premiere of a newly commissioned work by composer Philip Lasser. His L’Abécédaire de Huon, Roi de Cambrai  sets a series of 13th century French poems that follow the letters of the alphabet. Continuing with works in French, the chorus will perform a piece by Haitian American composer Sydney Guillaume that set a poem by his father, Gabriel T. Guillaume: Le Dernier Voyage, a meditation on the joys and pains of life. Also on the program are Gabriel Fauré’s Cantique de Jean Racine and Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s Romancero Gitano, featuring poems by Federico Garcia Lorca and classical guitar.

    The Friday, March 21st performance is pay-as-you-wish; our usual general admission ticket is $30, but you may pay anywhere from $5 to $30 as your budget allows.

    Cantique de Jean RacineGabriel Fauré
    Romancero GitanoMario Castelnuovo-Tedesco
    Le Dernier VoyageSydney Guillaume
    L’Abécédaire de Huon, Roi de CambraiPhilip Lasser