
Cygnus Ensemble on National Public Radio

My group Cygnus Ensemble’s project “Sounding Beckett” is featured on NPR:

All reviews and press for thisamazing project here.



New York, New York – 09/22/12 – Classic Stage Company – Sounding Beckett


New York, New York – 09/21/12 – Classic Stage Company – Sounding Beckett


NY Times reviews “Sounding Beckett”

Latest excellent review of my group Cygnus and “Sounding Beckett”. This one is from the NY Times. Shows tonight, Saturday and Sunday!


Great review for “Sounding Beckett”

Wonderful review for my group Cygnus Ensemble and Joy Zinoman in Backstage:


New York, New York – 09/16/12 – Classic Stage Company – Sounding Beckett


New York, New York – 09/15/12 – Classic Stage Company – Sounding Beckett


New York, New York – 09/14/12 – Classic Stage Company – Sounding Beckett


Boston, MA – 09/07/12 – Cathedral Church of St. Paul – American Festival of Microtonal Music


September Shows

Greetings! I hope everyone had a restful summer.
Here are some great shows I’m playing in September.
Hope to see many of you there!

September 7, 7 pm (Boston, MA) American Festival of Microtonal Music  
John Eaton’s “Elegy for Jane” with harp, guitar, mandolin and other instruments. Featuring Sharon Harms, soprano. Other pieces by Reinhard, Catler and Barton

September 14, 15, 21, 22 at 8 pm; September 16, 23 at 3 pm (NYC)  Cygnus Ensemble and Sounding Beckett:  
A singular evening of theater and music that pairs three plays by Samuel Beckett from his “ghost period” with new works by contemporary composers written expressly in response to those plays

September 27 at 8 pm (NYC) Orfeo Duo with guest Oren Fader
Music ranging from the enigmatic to the ecstatic by composers from Morningside Heights & West Harlem, illuminated by guided mindfulness meditation
Guitar solos by Ed Green and Anne Goldberg

September 28 at 8 pm (NYC) Perspectives Ensemble: Homage to Catalunia Morgan Library
This landmark concert celebrates the centenary of Xavier Montsalvatge (1912–2002) with works by major Catalan composers little-known in the US, interspersed with film clips of performances and interviews.  


Wonderful article about Cygnus Ensemble in Chamber Music America

Below is a link to an absolutely wonderful article about my group Cygnus Ensemble in the recent edition of Chamber Music America Magazine.

Click below to read!

Cygnus CMA article


Cygnus Ensemble and “Sounding Beckett”

alt text

My group Cygnus Ensemble will provide musical commentary for Beckett’s powerful ghost plays, with creations by contemporary composers inspired by the plays.

All information at

SOUNDING BECKETT — a singular evening of theater and music that pairs three plays by Samuel Beckett from his “ghost period” with new works by contemporary composers written expressly in response to those plays — will be presented September 14-23 at the Classic Stage Company (136 E. 13 St.) in Manhattan.

This world-premiere production is directed by the award-winning theatre director Joy Zinoman, Founding Artistic Director of The Studio Theatre in Washington, DC.  The music will be performed live by Cygnus Ensemble, William Anderson, Music Director.

Comprised of Beckett’s one-act plays “Footfalls,” “Ohio Impromptu” and “Catastrophe” — written from 1975 to 1982 in the twilight of the playwright’s career — SOUNDING BECKETT features a cast that includes the award-winning actors Philip Goodwin, Ted van Griethuysen and Holly Twyford, along with the voice of the Tony-nominated and Drama Desk and two-time Obie Award-winning actress Kathleen Chalfant.

SOUNDING BECKETT will feature performances of all three Beckett plays, each followed immediately by a live performance of a new composition, offering theater-goers the opportunity to experience Beckett’s powerful language, rhythms and imagery with a contemporary musical response.  New music compositions by the composers Chester Biscardi and Laura Schwendinger (“Footfalls”), David Glaser and Laura Kaminsky (“Catastrophe”) and John Halle and Scott Johnson (“Ohio Impromptu”) will alternate during performances of the two-week run at CSC.

The music will be performed by Cygnus Ensemble members Tara Helen O’Connor (flute), James Austin Smith (oboe), Cal Wiersma (violin), Chris Gross (cello), William Anderson (guitar, mandolin) and Oren Fader (guitar).